Duty Cycle Calculator

The following fields correspond to the input shaft of your machine
Phase Start End Duration Initial Final Average Torque
(s) (s) (s) (rpm) (rpm) (rpm) (N·m)
Total Duration tCycle = s
Active Duration tWork = s
Duty Cycle ED = %
Cycles per Minute Z =
Average Speed nAvg = rpm
Max. nα Speed nαMax = rpm
Peak Speed nPeak = rpm
Average Torque TAvg = N·m
Peak Torque TPeak = N·m
For a more detailed help, as well as the exact formulas used, check this pdf

In this field you'll see help for the currently active field.

Phase Duration (s)

Input field

Step: 0.01 s

Phase Final Speed (rpm)

Input field

Step: 1 rpm

Last phase always has an end speed of 0 rpm.

Phase Torque (N·m)

Input field

Step: 0.1 N·m

Total Cycle Duration (s)

Auto-calculated field

Active Duration (s)

Auto-calculated field

Duration of the active part of the cycle.

A phase is part of the active part of the cycle if it has non-zero speed or torque.

Duty Cycle (%)

Auto-calculated field

The cycle's duty cycle is the percentage of time where the input is delivering torque to the machine.

Cycles per Minute

Auto-calculated field

Average Phase Speed (rpm)

Auto-calculated field

The average phase speed is the average of the initial and final speeds of the phase, unless there's a change of direction in the input.

If the input changes directions, average speed is calculated for the positive and negative parts of the phase independently.

Maximum Average Phase Speed (rpm)

Auto-calculated field

Maximum average phase speed is the highest (or lowest, for negative speeds) average speed during a single phase reached during the cycle.

Peak Speed (rpm)

Auto-calculated field

Peak speed is the highest (or lowest, for negative speeds) speed reached during the cycle.

Average Torque (N·m)

Auto-calculated field

This is the average torque during the active part of the cycle

Peak Torque (N·m)

Auto-calculated field

Peak torque is the highest (or lowest, for negative torques) torque reached during the cycle.

Phase Name

During a phase, speed changes from initial speed to final speed, while torque remains constant.

Delete Button


This button deletes the current phase.

Insert Button


This button inserts an additional phase.

Phase Start Time (s)

Auto-calculated field

Phase End Time (s)

Auto-calculated field

Phase Initial Speed (rpm)

Auto-calculated field

First phase always has an initial speed of 0

Cycle Average Speed (rpm)

Auto-calculated field

Average speed of the active part of the cycle, in rpm.

Load Example 1


This button loads a Basic Cycle

This is the most fundamental cycle, and appears in most applications. It's composed of an acceleration phase, a constant speed phase, a deceleration phase and a dwell time.

Load Example 2


This button loads a Cycle with Multiple Dwell Times

This example is made of four basic cycles, with identical active parts, but with different dwell times, as required by the manufacturing process it automates.

Load Example 3


This button loads a Cycle with Alternating Directions

This cycle starts with a basic cycle with a short dwell time, and then reverses direction, with a new basic cycle that returns performs the same work in the opposite direction, followed by a long dwell time.

Load Example 4


This button loads a Complex Cycle

Complex cycles are composed of multiple different basic cycles, with possibly different torques, speeds, directions and times. This example has four such cycles.



This button resets the tool, eliminating any loaded example or used provided data.

Speed Chart

Torque Chart