
MQ-200 Right Angle Gearbox

MQ-200 Right Angle Gearbox

MQ-200 Right Angle Gearboxes can output up to 8190 Nm (depends on ratio)

Horizontal Tabs


Performance data:

Number of stages: 1
Transmission ratios: 5:1 to 83:1
Backlash: <2' and <8'
Input motor flanges: For all servomotors
Output shaft Single output shaft
Double output shaft
Hollow shaft with keyway
Hollow shaft with shrink disk 

Typical Applications:

  • Packaging
  • Food Industry
  • Pharma Industry
  • Textile Industry
  • Robotics
  • Conveyors
  • Metal Forming Machines
  • Automated Warehouses
  • General Automation


  • Very Low Backlash, thanks to tight tolerances and a constant worm bearing preload, making it ideally suited for machine tool and robotics operations.
  • High Torque, thanks to painstakingly cut, hardened and ground worms and a bronze alloy wheels, born of a unique design process.
  • Quiet operation: The precision high quality worm gearing provides extremelly low noise levels (under 55 dB).
  • Superior Shock Absorption, thanks to a heavyweight cast iron housing.
  • Zero Backlash Motor Coupling. Can be be provided with torsionally rigid coupling for optimal motor shaft alignment.
  • Suitable for intermittent and continuous operation.
  • Compact design. The right angle design can be a space saver.
  • The full transmission ratio in only one stage.
  • Maintenance free thanks to lifetime synthetic lubrication.
  • Input flange for all servomotors brands.

Main Specs

Ratio n1 = 500 rpm n1 = 1000 rpm n1 = 1500 rpm n1 = 2000 rpm Backlash
i T2TH
η T2TH
η T2TH
η T2TH
5 3461 8190 0.97 2889 8190 0.97 2591 8190 0.97 2001 8190 0.97 <2'
7.5 4748 8190 0.96 3775 8190 0.96 3441 8190 0.96 2890 8190 0.96
10 5088 8190 0.95 4047 8190 0.96 3845 8190 0.96 3332 8190 0.96
13.25 4116 6011 0.94 3789 6011 0.95 3602 6011 0.95 3472 6011 0.95
15 5251 8190 0.92 4176 8190 0.93 3393 8190 0.93 3235 8190 0.93
20 5624 8190 0.91 4475 8190 0.92 4149 8190 0.92 3865 8190 0.93
26.5 5463 8075 0.89 4750 8075 0.91 4515 8075 0.91 4104 8075 0.92
30 5507 8190 0.85 4368 8190 0.87 3366 8190 0.86 3228 8190 0.87
40 5906 8190 0.83 4701 8190 0.85 4103 8190 0.85 3984 8190 0.86
53 6115 8190 0.81 4971 8190 0.83 4725 8190 0.84 4295 8190 0.85
63 5902 8190 0.75 4694 8190 0.78 3833 8190 0.77 3712 8190 0.79
72 5494 7731 0.70 4288 7731 0.73 3310 7731 0.72 3178 7731 0.74
83 4675 8112 0.71 4675 8112 0.75 4675 8112 0.76 4314 8112 0.78

Moment of Inertia

Ratio J (Kg·cm2)
5 313.19
7.5 214.95
10 139.64
13.25 97.88
15 156.00
20 106.78
26.5 79.64
30 141.27
40 98.57
53 75.09
63 99.20
72 98.99
83 98.77
MQ-200 Dimensions
ME 200
A 430
A4 515
B 310
B1 220
B3 210
B6 45
C 360
C1 310
D 48k6
D1 80m6
D1V 85m6
D2 80H7
D3 120
D4 360H7
D6 350
D9 315
D11 30
D12 185
D13 90.5-0.3
D14 90H7
D15 95H7
E 180
E1 370
E4 94
F2 450
F3 320
F4 400
G1 285
G2 397
G3 217.5
G7 80
H 555
H1 140
H3 45
I 6
K 20
K1 40
L 82
L1 130
L2 70
L3 125
L7 49
L8 47
M 12.7
N 312
O 60
R 370
S M20×38
S1 24
S2 18
S3 M20×38
T 150
T2 51.5
T3 85
T3V 90
T4 85.4
U1 58
U2 14h9
U3 22h9
U3V 22h9
U4 22JS9
V 5
V1 2

DM, D7, D8, FM, F8, G4, I2, I3, and LM depend on motor dimensions