
MQ-250 Right Angle Gearbox

MQ-250 Right Angle Gearbox

MQ-250 Right Angle Gearboxes can output up to 13720 Nm (depends on ratio)

Horizontal Tabs


Performance data:

Number of stages: 1
Transmission ratios: 7.75:1 to 83:1
Backlash: <2' and <8'
Input motor flanges: For all servomotors
Output shaft Single output shaft
Double output shaft
Hollow shaft with keyway
Hollow shaft with shrink disk 

Typical Applications:

  • Packaging
  • Food Industry
  • Pharma Industry
  • Textile Industry
  • Robotics
  • Conveyors
  • Metal Forming Machines
  • Automated Warehouses
  • General Automation


  • Very Low Backlash, thanks to tight tolerances and a constant worm bearing preload, making it ideally suited for machine tool and robotics operations.
  • High Torque, thanks to painstakingly cut, hardened and ground worms and a bronze alloy wheels, born of a unique design process.
  • Quiet operation: The precision high quality worm gearing provides extremelly low noise levels (under 55 dB).
  • Superior Shock Absorption, thanks to a heavyweight cast iron housing.
  • Zero Backlash Motor Coupling. Can be be provided with torsionally rigid coupling for optimal motor shaft alignment.
  • Suitable for intermittent and continuous operation.
  • Compact design. The right angle design can be a space saver.
  • The full transmission ratio in only one stage.
  • Maintenance free thanks to lifetime synthetic lubrication.
  • Input flange for all servomotors brands.

Main Specs

Ratio n1 = 500 rpm n1 = 750 rpm n1 = 1000 rpm n1 = 1500 rpm n1 = 2000 rpm Backlash
i T2TH
η T2TH
η T2TH
η T2TH
η T2TH
7.75 9059 13720 0.96 8179 13720 0.97 7608 13720 0.97 5719 13720 0.97 * * * <2'
10 10172 13720 0.96 9162 13720 0.96 8524 13720 0.96 6874 13720 0.96 5972 13720 0.96
13 9143 12290 0.95 8704 12290 0.96 8397 12290 0.96 7976 12290 0.96 6805 12290 0.96
15.5 10712 13720 0.93 9218 13720 0.94 7917 13720 0.94 5919 13720 0.93 * * *
20 11982 13720 0.92 10573 13720 0.93 9243 13720 0.93 7048 13720 0.93 6696 13720 0.93
26 12132 13720 0.91 11551 13720 0.92 10759 13720 0.93 8437 13720 0.92 8113 13720 0.93
31 10567 13720 0.87 9190 13720 0.88 7963 13720 0.89 6019 13720 0.88 * * *
40 11798 13720 0.86 10494 13720 0.87 9247 13720 0.87 7130 13720 0.87 6817 13720 0.88
52 13219 13720 0.84 11826 13720 0.86 10763 13720 0.86 8491 13720 0.85 8220 13720 0.87
61 10400 13720 0.77 9084 13720 0.79 7900 13720 0.80 6001 13720 0.79 5695 13720 0.80
83 9151 13720 0.75 9151 13720 0.77 9151 13720 0.78 8094 13720 0.78 7820 13720 0.79

* Please inquire

Moment of Inertia

Ratio J (Kg·cm2)
7.75 587.17
10 374.25
13 269.03
15.5 400.67
20 276.73
26 217.66
31 354.05
40 252.34
52 204.82
61 295.03
MQ-250 Dimensions
ME 250
A 550
A4 700
B 350
B1 240
B6 50
C 450
C1 380
D 60m6
D1 95m6
D1V 105m6
D2 95H7
D3 150
D4 450H7
D11 50H9
D12 230
D13 111.5-0.3
D14 110H7
D15 115H7
E 190
E1 450
E4 100
F3 500
G1 345
G2 505
G3 415
G7 110
H 675
H1 150
H3 50
I 6
K1 50
L 105
L1 170
L2 90
L3 160
L7 56
L8 54
M 13.2
N 395
O 100
R 450
S M24×45
S1 26
S3 M20×45
T 165
T2 64
T3 100
T3V 111
T4 100.4
U2 18h9
U3 25h9
U3V 25h9
U4 25JS9
V 7
V1 2

DM, D7, D8, FM, F8, G4, I2, I3, and LM depend on motor dimensions