
SGH-0750 Planetary Gearbox

SGH-0750 Planetary Gearbox

SGH-0750 gearboxes can output up to 1080 Nm (depends on ratio)

Horizontal Tabs


Performance data

Number of stages: 1, 2 and 3 stages
Transmission ratios: 3:1 to 300:1
Backlash: ca. 0, <1’, <3’, <5’, <10’
Efficiency Up to 97%
Input motor flanges: For all servomotors
Output shaft Smooth Output Shaft
Output Shaft with Key
Splined Output Shaft

Typical Applications

  • Gantries
  • Linear Tracks for Robots
  • Packaging
  • Robotics
  • Linear Actuators
  • General Automation


  • Highly accurate positioning
  • High torsional rigidity
  • Highly reliable thanks to heat treated gears
  • Very high radial load tapered roller bearings
  • Very compact design
  • Very high torque density
  • Easy motor installation

S5 Duty Cycle Technical Data

Stages Ratio























1 3 800 1080 2400 2000 3000 10100 15500 103 97 14 ca. 0
2 9 800 1080 2400 2000 3000 10100 15500 93 94 18 ca. 0
12 800 1080 2400 2000 3000 10100 15500 93 94 18
15 800 1080 2400 2000 3000 10100 15500 93 94 18
21 800 1080 2400 2000 3000 10100 15500 93 94 18
30 800 1080 2400 2000 3000 10100 15500 93 94 18
3 36 800 1080 2400 2000 3000 10100 15500 84 91 22 ca. 0
45 800 1080 2400 2000 3000 10100 15500 84 91 22
60 800 1080 2400 2000 3000 10100 15500 100 91 22
75 800 1080 2400 2000 3000 10100 15500 100 91 22
90 800 1080 2400 2000 3000 10100 15500 84 91 22
105 800 1080 2400 2000 3000 10100 15500 100 91 22
120 800 1080 2400 2000 3000 10100 15500 94 91 22
150 800 1080 2400 2000 3000 10100 15500 100 91 22
210 800 1080 2400 2000 3000 10100 15500 99 91 22
300 800 1080 2400 2000 3000 10100 15500 84 91 22

(1) T2E Up to 1000 times during the gearbox's lifetime

Subject to technical improvements without prior notice

General Data

Housing Surface Temperature °C -10°C to +90°C
Ingress Protection   IP65
Sound Levels dB(A) ≤71
Design Life Hours 20000
Lubrication   Synthetic Oil Lubrication
Turning Direction   Same as Input

Moment of Inertia

Stages Ratio J (kg·cm2) per Motor Shaft Diameter
⌀≤14 ⌀≤19 ⌀≤24 ⌀≤32 ⌀≤35 ⌀≤38 ⌀≤42
1 3 10.98 10.98 11.99 14.19 17.02 22.21 21.81
2 9 10.53 10.53 11.54 13.74 16.57 21.76 21.36
12 6.86 6.86 7.87 10.07 12.90 18.09 17.69
15 5.44 5.44 6.45 8.65 11.48 16.67 16.27
21 4.23 4.23 5.24 7.44 10.27 15.46 15.06
30 3.52 3.52 4.53 6.73 9.56 14.75 14.35
3 36 6.83 6.83 7.84 10.04 12.87 18.06 17.66
45 5.42 5.42 6.43 8.63 11.46 16.65 16.25
60 5.28 5.28 6.29 8.49 11.32 16.51 16.11
75 5.22 5.22 6.23 8.43 11.26 16.45 16.05
90 3.51 3.51 4.52 6.72 9.55 14.74 14.34
105 4.11 4.11 5.12 7.32 10.15 15.34 14.94
120 3.47 3.47 4.48 6.68 9.51 14.70 14.30
150 3.46 3.46 4.47 6.67 9.50 14.69 14.29
210 3.46 3.46 4.47 6.67 9.50 14.69 14.29
300 3.44 3.44 4.45 6.65 9.48 14.67 14.27
SGH-0750 Dimensions
  1 stage 2 stages 3 stages
D1 55 55 55
D2 130 130 130
D3 165 165 165
D5 M20 M20 M20
D6 61 61 61
D9 11 11 11
L1min 252 294 336
L2min 143 185 227
L3 109 109 109
L4 82 82 82
L5 25 25 25
L6 16 16 16
L7 42 42 42
L11 70 70 70
L12 16 16 16
L13 59 59 59
L14 6 6 6
L15 148 148 148
L16 2 2 2

D7, D8, L1, L2, L8, and L10 depend on motor dimensions